Not much depth to the snow, but we gave it a try anyway!

And now for something that doesn't involve the white stuff - back to the BX. I thought while I'm dealing with the back end I'd better remove the back bumper and see if there were any rot spots that needed attending to. I've never actually taken the rear bumper off a BX, but it all came off easily enough. Even the two 10 mm headed bolts came out without rounding or shearing off!
It looks like all the years of cavity waxing the box sections and regularly rinsing salt away has paid off, as I reckon it looks pretty good for 20 years and 220k miles:

There are a couple of tiny blisters a few mm across, but that's all. I'll tidy those up and give it all a coat of wax while it's off. Still need to fix the outer wing support bracket on the nearside on, which will be easier with the bumper off.