Sagging windows solved

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Sagging windows solved

Post by toddao »

I've had this problem with all of the front windows on every BX - the windows need to be guided up by hand to keep them straight. Ken suggested some time back that adjustment was possible but only one of the runner mounting screws has about 1cm adjustment which made no difference.
As I had to change the door on the yellow fellow ( now sporting a lovely silver door) I thought I'd have a closer look at the scissor mechanism. Basically the early ones were riveted together at their axis with a sort of star shaped thing which over time develops enough play to create this window sag. I had looked at this before but I didn't realise that what appears to be quite minimal play translates to quite serious sag by the time it's transferred to the end of the arms and the rollers.It must have become a problem because the later ones are bonded together differently.
Then came the job of removing the motor from the later mechanism and installing the manual winder mechanism ( peened out and back in) and hey presto.. a window that goes up and down as it should and shuts properly for the first time. Just got another five windows to do then if I can find enough of the newer improved scissor mechanisms.

Maybe of help to someone else suffering from this window problem as it is quite hard to shut a window with both hands while going down the autobahn at a fair lick ( steer with your knees).

this yellow writing is really hard to read

Re: Sagging windows solved

Post by Mothman »

I have that problem with the TZD, seems to happen to a lot of the motors as they get older. my mate Tim has had the same problem.

luckily just got hold of some NOs electric mechanisns. just got to make the time to fit them.
