Bad times, my BX has been generating increasingly spectacular amounts of smoke, and has an unquenchable thirst for oil. As the final nail in the coffin it has started to consume water too; goodbye headgasket Thankfully it managed to last until getting to my parents house, and completed its last journey without leaving me stuck somewhere, which is nice...
Now, this engine would appear to have a somewhat chequered history, having had lots of work including multiple headgaskets and work on the bottom end, which given that it has only done 135 000 miles makes me think that rather than entering the chamber of horrors that is an engine someone has dicked around with, I would be rather better dropping a known-good engine in, as I don't have the time for the full strip-down and rebuild which may prove necessary... If anyone has such an engine I would be most interested!
I'm going to have to find a stopgap car tomorrow to get back to Liverpool, and the top of the likely candidates list? An AX 1.0. Oh how I laughed!
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
You'll probably find it easier to get hold of a 1.9TD these days. They're everywhere, and have almost no value. Scrapper 306's & 405's are available for pence.
DavidRutherford wrote:You'll probably find it easier to get hold of a 1.9TD these days. They're everywhere, and have almost no value. Scrapper 306's & 405's are available for pence.
If need be I will go down the 1.9 route; the difficulty is that the car is in Durham at my parents and I am in Liverpool - it would be within the realms of possibility to drive to Durham with a BX engine and be mobile again in a weekend, whereas if changing cam, reshimming and stopping up the vaccum pump oil feed is involved so as to go 1.9 it will likely take longer, hence why I thought I'd see if anyone had an engine on here...
Bought the AX I mentioned this morning, and somehow managed to kill that within the hour; the headgasket went on the way home! Un-fucking believeable, thankfully the guy was a gent and after towing it back managed to get a refund...
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
hi what abou t rover 218/418?.you could get a cheap car use it then remove engine when is conveneint.they have peugeot 1769 turbo diesel engine and have pully on end of cam like bx.
c90cassette wrote:hi jonathan sorry to hear about probs with your bx.have u got a stopgap car yet?bye rob.
Cheers Rob, just one of those things I guess... Still currently carless, but may be about to pull off a move which would involve a return of the roller-painted 306, as seen here. At least I did fix the heater in the end too, looking out the window at the winter-wonderland outside...
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
Hi, I've got a 17 engine with 220K careful miles on the clock still in my pensioned off BX 1992 TGD. It's sat for the last 3 years but is not a turbo. Excuse me for not knowing whether that matters or not but I'm a girl. I'm in Norfolk which is a long way from you so don't know whether you would be interested.
dollywaggon wrote:Hi, I've got a 17 engine with 220K careful miles on the clock still in my pensioned off BX 1992 TGD. It's sat for the last 3 years but is not a turbo. Excuse me for not knowing whether that matters or not but I'm a girl. I'm in Norfolk which is a long way from you so don't know whether you would be interested.
Thankyou for the offer (and welcome to the club) but alas the Turbo engine is different
I actually have a plan coming together as we speak, which would entail acquiring an free 306 1.9td to cannibilise, I just have to work out the best way to recover it a few hundred miles...
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
mat_fenwick wrote:Book a local MOT? Or is it too far gone to drive? I know where you can hire a flatbed trailer for a very reasonable price if that helps.
Well, the vehicle in question actually has MOT, so I had thought of buying short term insurance and chancing my arm trying to tax it, then cashing it straight in on journey end... I am also tempted to just A-frame it, but that is risky as it is still illegal due to (amongst other things) no brakes on towed vehicle and the fact that my driving license does not permit it
Would be very interested to get the trailer hire details, although before the Xantia did any hardcore pulling I really should get the turbo working properly...
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
Hmmm...yes, I think it may struggle up hills loaded with trailer and car. The place I usually use for trailer hire charges £25 a day, although that will usually cover a weekend if you ask nicely.
To be honest a short term insurance deal might be the best bet. I'm just wondering whether if you tax it just before the end of the month ( I think you can up to 2 days before if if doesn't already have tax), drive it back and then cash it in before the new month. In the past when I have cashed tax in, so long as the DVLA get it before (or even on) the 1st, they refund you for that month (on the basis that if they receive it on the 1st you must have sent it at least on the last day of the previous month).
Where is the car by the way?
jonathan_dyane wrote: I am also tempted to just A-frame it, but that is risky as it is still illegal due to (amongst other things) no brakes on towed vehicle
That aspect of law is barely enforced. Despite my A-frame having brakes, I've never even been pulled over, never mind any questions being asked.
jonathan_dyane wrote:and the fact that my driving license does not permit it
That I would be far more worried about... It also would prevent you using a hired trailer.