I have been to see the car this afternoon so can report back, I'll just list my findings and you can draw your own conclusions.
It was a genuine viewing as an auto GTI would get a good home here.
Plus points
1) Low mileage
2) Alloys and tyres in decent condition
3) Interior OK though bolster on drivers seat base has partial sunk
4) Some service history
5) No LHM leaks immediately evident.
6) Rises and falls smoothly and accumulator OK
7) Spheres OK

Doors OK
9) Engine starts and idles fine
Minus points
1) OSR door dented running into spat
2) Paint badly faded in the roof
3) Paint on the spoiler total mess, pealing off on the corners.
4) OS A post corroded around top hinge
5) NS A post starting to corrode
6) Has had sill repairs both sides and sills have been brush painted with paint extending into the lower part of the door recess
7) OSR inner wheel arch has golf ball size hole in the usual place

NSR inner wheel arch has tennis ball size hole in the usual place
9) Corrosion in the panel joins in the NSF lower door recess.
10) Both NSF and OSF inner wheel arches corroded at the strut mounts
After seeing all of this I didn't bother to take it out for a drive. The chap said he has had offers of £1500 unseen, I said he should take the next one of them as I was prepared to offer what I thought was an exceedingly generous £800. Needless to say I still have the £800!
The chap owns a VW customising and body shop business and In my opinion (and it is only my opinion) is waiting for the "rite person".
O K310XPA, K310XPA, wherefore art thou K310XPA (Sorry for selling you so long ago, the DTR is just not same)