Anyway, Tim and I headed over to NT Shaws in Louth today to pick up a couple of Mk.1 mirrors for his DTR, and those cheapy Purflux filters (they've still got a shed load of NOS BX parts over there btw). On the way, I suggested a quick detour to see if the mythical wood full of Citroens was still there. We drove up and down the village's main drag a few times, but seeing nothing untoward decided that they must have headed to the scrappers years ago. The satnav pointed us back in the right direction, and as we turned the appointed corner, a 2CV a C5 and what was obviously an XM undercover could be seen spilling out of a gateway. After a short reconnaissance mission (running along a hedge jumping up and down) it was clear that this was indeed the place; the wood that formed Syd's back garden was positively infested with old Citroens - still.
To cut along story short we went and banged on the door, thinking the worst that could happen was that we would be told to clear off. In the event Syd appeared, was more than accommodating and gave us a quick tour. There must have been close on 30 cars out in the open, more complete and valuble cars in lock ups, plus enough parts to make a fair few more, if all the bits hadn't been rusty - which many were.
I expect Tim will be along at some point to give you the low down on the BXs (one was quite rare apparently), but here's a few pics that represent the 'tip of the iceberg'. I expect we'll be arranging a return visit at some point when Syd has a bit more time - everything appeared to be 'for sale'.

Last but not least Tim's TZi at NT Shaws. All in all a pretty good day. On the way home however, it spoiled itself by raining. Even a Kit-Kat and a cup of coffee wasn't enough to ameliorate Tims distress on behalf of the lovely TAL 91S!