1993 K TXD Turbo Triton green

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Re: 1993 K TXD Turbo Triton green

Post by Thread Bear »

I Calne believe it! I was there this week passing through in Gary to look at a van, which I did not buy. The home of Zebadee and Powney, I beieve, one of my more favourite business names.
Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work

'87 Trooper, Borgwards, Saabs, MG ZB, Bellamy Trials, Fiat Jolly & Bianchina, Goggo Dart, Messerschmitt, Heinkel, Bubblecars
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Re: 1993 K TXD Turbo Triton green

Post by citsncycles »

Best company name I've come across is Baldylocks - a local locksmith!
Mike Sims
BX 19RD Estate Mk1 - Timex!
BX 4X4 Estate - Oh god, I've done it again!
BX 17RD MK1 - it called to me!
XM Turbo SD,GS Club Estate,Visa 17D Leader,HY Pickup,Dyane Nomad,Dyane 6,2CV AZL,Falcon S,Trabant P50,3x Land Rovers (88" series 1,109" series 2a FFR,series 2a Marshall ambulance),DKW F7, Lambretta LD150 x 1.5,Mobylette SP93,Ural Cossack,Ural M63,CZ 250 Sport,Honda Varadero 125,lots of bicycles & tricycles including (but not only) Sunbeams,Higgins & Bates!
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Re: 1993 K TXD Turbo Triton green

Post by Tim Leech »

You haven't seen the American recovery company called Camel Tow ( yes really ) their slogan being well snatch you out of a tight spot ! :shock:
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Re: 1993 K TXD Turbo Triton green

Post by Thread Bear »

I just like the unusualness of some names. Stiggers and Wright builders, for instance. Singing Wombat, Engineers

Then there are business names that mean something else, perhaps.

Robin deBanks, car mechanic used to have a unit opposite Nick Moore Cars. Brilliant. Nick is still going in Faringdon, selling cars as N B Moore Cars, I think, but Robin has retired.

Wayne Kerr plumber - Essex M25

Best of the lot - Doolittle and Dalley, Estate Agent/Land Agent in Shropshire. They must do something as they are still trading!
Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work

'87 Trooper, Borgwards, Saabs, MG ZB, Bellamy Trials, Fiat Jolly & Bianchina, Goggo Dart, Messerschmitt, Heinkel, Bubblecars