NOTE : The route summary/guide has been revised. SEE BELOW
It's a long way off, but here is advance notice of the 2017 'Challenge'. It is provisional, but there's time to hone it into something that will make it the best yet. It takes it's inspiration from what I consider to be the most successful event of its kind to date: the 2012 Challenge, which included a lot of great driving trough the Alps. Bear in mind, I will not be able to please all and there will be compromises, but building on feedback to date, it has elements that should appeal broadly.
It'll be titled The 2017 Citroën Club Challenge - simply because the previous use of the work 'Classic' was prone to misinterpretation and might've put off those owners of say, more modern Citroëns - or 'emerging 'classics' like the AX, ZX or indeed the C6.
The point of the event is to be a road trip for those Citroën owners who fancy a bit of an adventure with fellow enthusiasts and friends, some time relaxing at a nice venue (this marks a difference to previous events in that I've built in a three-night stop-over for relaxation, car fettling and general exploration) and the chance to enjoy a variety of landscapes. There's a trip to the Reims museum included as well as the possibility of a historic battlefield visit which has proved popular in the past. It is possible that a band of intrepid members might take advantage of the lengthened stop-over at Le Roustou to make a dash for the Med via Digne and the renowned Route Napoleon to Cannes...
Importantly, this is NOT a camping trip. Unless you want it to be. Accommodation will be Hotel, Chalet or tent depending upon individual preferences. I would say we are hoping to get a good deal on a cluster of chalets from the Citroën-enthusiast owner of the site Le Roustou so the stay there will be suitable for all. Even if not, there's a Hotel not far away.
It involves a starting at Amiens or thereabouts… Easily accessible from Dieppe/Calais/Dunkirque and not much of a problem getting there from Caen either. And a safe distance from the potentially awkward coastal areas (thinking migrant camps and car security).
Anyway, here's an updated graphic illustrating the basic plan.
PLEASE e-mail me at if interested and I'll put you on the mailing list.
Also note:it's 2012 on the email address because, well, that's the first Challenge I used the address on and I don't want to change lol!
Updates will follow periodically. As before there’ll be some initial setting up of accommodation details and so on and once we have the finer details worked out, there’ll be a bit of a quiet period. But let’s not forget the best way to secure crossings at a good price is to book early, so come summer this year we can start coordinating crossings and I will be asking people to book their accommodation (hotel rooms) in good time too.
Regarding campsites, if you are planning to sleep under canvas there’s not much need to book at that time of year; just roll up. If you (like me) want a chalet, I will coordinate the booking of those, employing the linguistic skills of a mate or two, so we can get a cluster of them.
This time the only navigator notes will be essentially a series of start and finish points with way points and SatNav preferences. This follows from last year where it was apparent everyone used SatNav and a detailed road-by-road route plan was unnecessary.