MULLEY wrote:Yup, you are being a bore & a pain. I'm getting tired of your endless criticisms of others, or is that your sense of humour?? If Matt wanted to mention it fair enough its his post not yours.
I suggest you set up your own site & then when you are in charge you can revoke access as you see fit.
If you get so wound up by this, dont use this forum.
Bloody hell Mulley, run out of chill pills?
I'm going ot guess that Daivid drew mention to your previous post thus:
Mulley wrote:Might be as simple as the fuel having gone off.
I'd syphon it out & put some fresh diesel in & try firing her up again. If that does work, see if you can get the old fuel tested & whether it will be ok to mix it with the new stuff or not....
First, diesel doesn't "go off".
Second, get the fuel tested for what? STD's?? IQ levels? Ability in freehand artistic endevours?
Third, in Mats post he said this:
Mat Fenwick wrote:There is no fuel getting to the injectors
So even assuming that the fuel "had gone off" which if course it can't actually do, that wouldn't explain why it was failing to reach the injectors, given that even even shite old fuel would reach the injectors, even if it wouldn't burn, which of course it actually would.
So, if fresh shiny fuel in the filter will draw but then stops, it would rather suggest a blockage in the drawn (Vacuum) side of the fuel system.
I have no idea what Davids post said, but I'll guess it pointed out that just emptying the old fuel and refilling with fresh to cure the problem carries the same odds as winning the lottery every week for the next 500 years?!